It’s hard to believe that the fall season is upon us. With the summer months over, it is now time to take a look at your home’s
exterior, especially if you are entertaining the idea of listing it for sale
this season. Here are a few tips to help you keep your property looking
its best:
· Rake up leaves on a frequent
· Inspect your eaves troughs
and remove any debris that has been trapped.
· Continue to weed the garden
beds and walkways.
· Remove annual flowers that
are no longer blooming and plants that are past their prime. Dead foliage gives the impression of a home that
is not cared for.
· Keep an eye on the rain
amounts. In warm, dry fall weather, you
will still need to irrigate your lawn.
· Fertilize your lawn before
the ground freezes. This will give your grass a head start in the spring.
· Adjust the timers on outdoor
lighting since it now gets dark earlier.
· Give your gardens some fresh
colour by planting fall flowers such as mums. Choose a color that compliments the exterior of your home.
· Redesign your urns and
flowers pots to a fall theme.

Add cushions in fall colours to an outside chair or swing to
add to your decorative theme. If you pay this much attention to the exterior
of your home, buyers will be anxious to see what is behind the front
These are just a few things that will help keep the exterior
of your home looking its best!
Feel free to add a
comment with your fall ideas!
Richard Thyssen, Broker of Record
Colleen Thyssen, Sales Representative
Direct: 519-495-1541
Richard Thyssen, Broker of Record
Colleen Thyssen, Sales Representative
Direct: 519-495-1541