Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Attracting Hummingbirds in Your Garden

With the spring weather arriving some of our thoughts may turn to gardening.  Have you ever wanted to attract hummingbirds in your garden?

Hummingbird Plants in the Garden

With wings that beat up to 200 times per second and the ability to hover straight up and down, sideways, backwards, and even upside down, hummingbirds need a lot of energy.
Although hummingbirds will eat insects, most of that energy comes from the nectar of flowers, and you can invite these guests to dine in your garden by planting known hummingbird plants.

Seeing Red – Hummingbird Plants

One of the best ways to attract hummingbirds is to grow known hummingbird plants in your garden. You're not just limited to summer flowers. There are many trees, shrubs, vines, and perennial flowers that attract hummingbirds. They bloom during different months and can extend the seasons in which you will see hummingbirds in your garden. To attract your native hummingbirds, plant some native plants in your garden.

The plants most known as hummingbird plants are those with nectar-rich, red, orange, or red-orange tubular flowers. There are other flowers that attract hummingbirds, but flowers that are the brightest red are the most effective at capturing their attention. Old-fashioned, single-flowered blossoms, as opposed to double-flowered hybrids, are the best at attracting hummingbirds. The reason for this is that older plant species typically have more nectar, and it is easier for the hummingbirds to access than in double-flowered plant varieties.

Plan an Escape Route

When hummingbirds are feeding, they are vulnerable to attack from neighborhood cats and other predators like crows and jays. While feeding, a hummingbird's head can be deep inside a flower, and it may not see a predator approaching. For this reason, it is important to provide a variety of plantings that can serve as a means of escape.  A good way to offer protection against cats, for example, is to grow hummingbird plants that are at least 2 feet tall. Hanging pots of fuschias, geraniums, and red impatiens will also attract hummingbirds and allow them to feed safely.

Provide a Source of Water

Hummingbirds are attracted to birdbaths, but they are particularly attracted to the sound of running water. Fountains or any device that provides a spray or fine mist is best.

Start planning and attract hummingbirds in your garden this year, then sit back and watch these amazing creatures.

Richard Thyssen, Broker of Record
Colleen Thyssen, Sales Representative
Direct: 519-495-1541
email: rthyssen@rogers.com

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