Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Mow in the Know

If you are planning on selling your home this season, curb appeal is a large factor in helping to sell a home faster and for the most money.  A great looking lawn plays a big part!  Read below or click here for some pointers on how to maintain a healthy lawn.

Cutting too short
Each time you mow your lawn,  remove only about one-third of the grass blade. Shorter clippings break down more easily, allowing some of the natural nitrogen to return to the soil.   Cutting too much at one time, makes for longer clippings that can cause stress on the grass in the end inhibiting healthy growth.  Removing only a small amount each time is good practice and will give you healthy results.

Mowing pattern 
Mowing your lawn in the same direction all season can mat down the turf and inhibit growth. By changing up the pattern in which you mow your grass, you will avoid double mowing areas and reduce wear on the turf encouraging a healthy lawn.

To Bag or not to Bag
Bagging clippings is a common practice.  The truth is, mulching is much more beneficial to your lawn. Mulching returns essential nutrients, such as nitrogen, back to the soil.  If you remove only a small amount of the grass blade each time you time as suggested above, these shorter clippings can decompose quickly and discourage any fungus diseases. Today, many mowers have a built in mulching option.  

Don't ignoring the roots
A common lawn care mistake is managing only the parts of the lawn you can see. Caring for the grass roots and soil is imperative to ensure healthy growth. Apply a good slow release fertilizer twice a year.

Blunt mower blades
A dull mower blade will shred tender grass blades opening the door for disease. Sharpen the mower blade to a thickness of about 1/64 for a strong blade that is not too razor sharp.  Ensure the blade is balanced to achieve a clean cut and avoid damage to the mower.

If you would like to know how much your home is worth in today's market, call us!  
Your home may be worth WAY more than you think!!!

Richard Thyssen, Broker of Record
Colleen Thyssen, Sales Representative
Direct: 519-495-1541

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