Friday, May 29, 2015

The importance of a final walk through

The final walk through is an important part of the home buying process. Within the Agreement of Purchase & Sale the Buyer is provided the opportunity to go through the house one more time before ownership is transferred.  This gives the buyer a chance to assess the home and time for the Seller to remedy any concerns.  Typically this happens within the week before closing.  The closer to the closing date the better, however, not too close that there would not be ample time to rectify any concerns that may come to light.

Many buyers mistakenly use the final walk through as a means to get one last-look at their dream home before they move in. They start planning how furniture will be arranged and which room will be used for which purpose. However, the final walk-through is your absolute last chance to make sure everything is in working condition or is as presented in the contract.

Some buyers are disappointed when they see the condition of the property after the sellers have vacated the home. Most contracts state that the property needs to be “broom clean.” Many people have different standards for cleanliness and broom clean means just that—swept up but not necessarily deep-cleaned.

Regardless of the cleanliness of the home, there are certain steps to take during the walk-through:
  • Bring a copy of your Agreement so you can check on specific items and as a reminder of what appliances and window treatments were included with the sale.

  • Inspect both the exterior and interior of the home, paying special attention to any issues the seller agreed to resolve before closing.

  • Test all the appliances to make sure they still work.

  • Turn on the heating and air conditioning for a few minutes to see if they are operable.

  • Check for items the sellers left behind that you don’t want. If the seller left property behind, that doesn’t mean you have to keep it. Check your contract to see these items were mentioned. If not, it’s the sellers’ responsibility to remove them.

Before completing the final walk through, be sure to ask for working keys to every door, alarm codes, garage openers and any appliance or system manuals. It’s also a good idea to ask for copies of receipts for any repairs the sellers paid for. If you have purchased a condo, make sure that you receive the mailbox, storage locker and unit keys.

Looking for the perfect home?  Call us and we will find one that fits!!

Richard Thyssen, Broker of Record
Colleen Thyssen, Sales Representative
Direct: 519-495-1541
Office: 519-438-8000

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